Monday, 30 November 2009

Subway Observations #3

Less than middle-aged man. Walks through turnstile and it alarms, doesn't pay attention, twiddling fingers with no regard for those around. Fascinatingly intimidating self-assurance.

Two more than middle-aged men. One on the left looks perpetually convicted, regretful. Other man looks enduringly aloof, unfazed. I'm guessing at that age you can only be one of the two.

I'm going to get my new bed soon. It's been a week so far sleeping on the hardwood floor, a humbling and hilarious week. After having spent months on couches, I'm easily grateful for a space of my own, however small, however uncomfortable. Which is not to say it's uncomfortable; I have shelves and a dresser, a closet, a pillow and warm blanket, a kitchen and living room, a laundry basket and winter coat, and of course my steadfast companion, the laptop. Above all this, a God who cares for the sparrows.

1 comment:

  1. i'm up at 7am blog surfing!

    i like your theme joke HAHAHA maybe it's the delirium because i haven't gone to bed yet.. haha jk.

    this is exactly how i pictured livin' in NY to be. glad you have your OWN room. suh-weet.
